The railless design not only saves material, but is also very easy to install. O'rnatishni yakunlash uchun faqat to'rt qismni talab qiladi. Uning barqarorligi xavfsizligini ta'minlash uchun sertifikatlangan kompaniya tomonidan sinovdan o'tkaziladi. At the same time, it is also convenient to earthing.Through the connection of VG Solar-VG TS02, not only the solar panel can be more stable, but also the oxide film on the frame surface of the solar panel can be pierced to achieve mainklashning maqsadi va ikki qirrali effektga erishish mumkin.
Yassi tom o'rnatish (po'lat)
1: Yassi tom yopish / erga mos keladi.